Carrying the theme “Through Farmer’s Field Day, Encouraging the Interest of Young Generation Farmers and Instilling an Entrepreneurial Spirit in Building the Sustainability of Coconut Sugar Business in Pangandaran”, the Farmer's Field Day 2022 was officially opened by the Head of Agriculture Department, Mr. Drs. Sutriaman, representing the Regent of Pangandaran, Mr H. Jeje Wiradinata who was unable to attend on September 14, 2022. Located at the Pangandaran Islamic Center, the agenda of this Farmer’s Field Day is an opportunity to bring together stakeholders’ interests in the coconut sugar industry in Pangandaran Regency to develop business sustainability by encouraging the younger generation’s interest and entrepreneurial spirit.
At Farmer’s Field Day meeting, coconut farmers who have successfully attended the 2 nd Batch of Sekolah Lapang Kelapa Nira (Coconut Sap Field School) describe the learning outcomes and the benefits they get after participating in field school activities. 2nd Batch of Sekolah Lapang Kelapa Nira, which was held in January – July 2022, is a form of follow-up to the enthusiasm and positive response of the success of 1st Batch Sekolah Lapang Kelapa Nira that was held in July – November 2021 in Pangandaran. In this agenda, Mr. Sutriaman as Head of the Agriculture Department and Mr. Joane Irwan as Chairman of the Asosiasi Gula Kelapa Priangan (Priangan Coconut Sugar Association) also submitted a Sekolah Lapang Kelapa Nira graduation certificate to two farmers representing 552 farmers who have passed in the 2nd Batch.
By sharing roles with other stakeholders, we represent the government,”gratitude and fully support the capacity building through education and coaching activities held annually. To improve the interest of the younger generation, the Penyuluh Pertanian Lapangan (Field Agricultural Extension) and we work together with high schools in Pangandaran to conduct training outside of formal learning, such as nurseries activities and manufacture of organic fertilizers to improve student skills after graduation” Mr. Sutriaman said in his opening remarks at Pangandaran Farmer’s Field Day 2022.
Various information and knowledge also colored this Farmer’s Field Day with the implementation panel discussion that pivots on four main topics, namely the development of the interest of the younger generation in coconut sugar farming, the idea of a communal kitchen, the manufacture of organic fertilizers, up to sustainability of the coconut sugar industry in Pangandaran Regency. This Farmer’s Field Day activity also exhibited several products made by Sekolah Lapang Kelapa Nira alumni farmer groups, such as liquid and solid organic fertilizers for coconut and charcoal briquettes. The hope is, through discussion and exchange of opinions, all stakeholders can work together in accordance with their respective fields of expertise to build the sustainability of the coconut sugar industry in Pangandaran Regency by involving the active role of the younger generation.