Program title: Strengthening Farmer Association and Sustainability for Smallholder Oil Palm Farmers through RSPO Certification (Phase 2 – DC – UL Smallholder Program in Riau)
Program Base: Indragiri Hulu District, Riau Province
Period: 2020 – 2021
Target Beneficiaries: Oil Palm Smallholder in Indragiri Hulu District, Riau Province ( Association of Oil Palm Smallholder Karya Serumpun)
Description: This program is a continuation of previous activities related to Assistance of Oil Palm Smallholder for Goof Agricultural Practices (GAP) Implementation in 2017 – 2019. This association strengthening program is carried out as an efforts towards fulfilment of sustainability standards that have been agreed upon by stakeholders, especially from the RSPO in the form of certification for oil palm smallholders. Activities in this program include training and strengthening the association of oil palm smallholders Karya Serumpun ; encourage the implementation of GAP and NDPE by farmers ; RSPO certification ; financial literacy training for farmers ; and the development of alternative income for Karya Serumpun. The impact of this program includes 304 farmers that trained for association strengthening, implementation of GAP and NDPE and the realization of RSPO certification for sustainable palm oil.