Program title: Conducting Land Scape and Life scape Analysis for local green economic Self Help Project & Consultancy for proposal development and study on ERR In Sintang District of West Kalimantan
Program Base: Kapuas Hulu & Sintang Districts, West Kalimantan Province
Period: 2016
Target Beneficiaries: Communities around the Embaloh Hulu sub-watershed (Kapuas Hulu Regency) and the Temunak sub-watershed (Sintang Regency)
Description: The collaboration program of Widya Erti Indonesia with the Millennium Challenge Account Indonesia (MCAI), Credit Union (CU) Keling Kumang is a study program for the landscape and socio-economic community as an analysis material for measuring the achievement of changes in the Self Help Project program from Keling Kumang funded by MCA-I. The results of this study use IFC Standards which cover various issues such as environmental conservation, gender equality, institutional governance and compliance with regulations. The activities carried out include landscape studies and community livelihoods in the Embaloh Hulu sub-watershed (Kapuas Hulu Regency) and Temunak Sub-watershed (Sintang Regency) related to the development of potential for economic development that is more environmentally friendly through the Self Help Group approach. ). The impact of this program is the fulfillment of the need for information with high validity according to IFC standards, so that it becomes material for decision-making analysis. In the Self Help Project project from Keling Kumang funded by MCA-I, there are several programs that require project financing analysis with the calculation of Economic Rate Return (ERR) for each physical development such as Micro Hydro Power Plant (PLTMH), Solar Power Plant (PLTS) and construction of a palm sugar factory. ERR analysis is needed to determine the value of profits (material & non-material) from investments based on cash flow analysis of a business being run. So that other activities carried out in this program are the preparation of proposals and analysis of the Economic Rate Return (ERR) of the MCA-I project for the Kujau West Kalimantan consortium consisting of CU Keling Kumang, K77 Producer Cooperative and AMAN West Kalimantan with the output of the availability of information about the feasibility of the development that provide measurable benefits both economically and socially at the same time.