
Widya Erti Indonesia Bersama Unilever Perkuat Jaringan Petani Swadaya Internasional di Acara RSPO

Jakarta, 19 November 2023 – Kelompok petani sawit swadaya dari Kabupaten Indragiri Hulu dan Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir yaitu Karya Serumpun, Tunas Karna Mandiri, dan ASAGRI turut serta dalam acara Smallholder Linking and Learning yang diadakan oleh Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) di Century Park Sudirman, Jakarta. Kelompok petani binaan Widya Erti Indonesia dan Unilever…

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Menuju Masa Depan Hijau melalui Sekolah Lapang Bersama Petani Kelapa Sawit di Ketapang dan Widya Erti Indonesia

Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat (10/23) – Program Sekolah Lapangan Kelapa Sawit, sebuah langkah proaktif menuju industri kelapa sawit yang adil dan berkelanjutan, telah diresmikan di Ketapang, Kalimantan Barat. Kolaborasi antara Widya Erti Indonesia (WEI) dan Goodhope menunjukkan komitmen bersama untuk menggalang perubahan positif dalam industri kelapa sawit melalui pendidikan dan pembelajaran praktik tani berkelanjutan kepada petani…

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Encourage Certification of Independent Smallholders: RSPO visits Karya Serumpun Palm Oil Smallholders Association

In order to support the achievement of certification for independent smallholder, Head of Smallholders Roundatable Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) Program, Guntur Cahyo Prabowo, doing a visit to the Karya Serumpun Independent Palm Oil Farmers Association (KS) in Indragiri Hulu, Riau, on Saturday, January 14, 2023. Under Widya Erti Indonesia assistance, at the end of 2021,…

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Build a Sustainable Way for Pangandaran Coconut Sugar Industry, Farmer’s Field Day 2022 Encourage the Interest of the Young Generation

Carrying the theme “Through Farmer’s Field Day, Encouraging the Interest of Young Generation Farmers and Instilling an Entrepreneurial Spirit in Building the Sustainability of Coconut Sugar Business in Pangandaran”, the Farmer's Field Day 2022 was officially opened by the Head of Agriculture Department, Mr. Drs. Sutriaman, representing the Regent of Pangandaran, Mr H. Jeje Wiradinata…

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To Gain Stakeholder Support, Widya Erti Indonesia Held a Kick-off and Socialization of Women Farmer Group Economic Empowerment Program

Along with technological developments in the agricultural sector, women farmers need to improve their skills and knowledge to get the maximum benefit. Widya Erti Indonesia (WEI), an organization that focuses on education and community development, held a kick-off and socialization for Women Farmer Group’s Economic Empowerment Program in Indragiri Hulu Regency, Riau.  The event was…

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Yogyakarta Magelang Polytechnic of Agricultural Development held Internship Program with Widya Erti Indonesia: Creating qualified agricultural human resources

In order to produce qualified and competent human resources in agriculture, Widya Erti Indonesia (WEI) visited by Yogyakarta Magelang Polytechnic of Agricultural Development for Internship Program on June 5th – 8th 2022. Located in Pangandaran Regency, West Java, this Internship Program, which was attended by lecturers and education staff, aims to attract younger generation interest…

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Pangandaran Regent Supports Sustainability Practices for Coconut Sugar Farmers in Pangandaran Regency

Carrying the theme “Through the Farmer’s Field Day, a partnership for environmentally friendly and sustainable palm oil farmers is established”, activities of the Pangandaran Regency Farmer’s Field Day 2021 officially opened by the secretary of the Department of Agriculture Pangandaran Regency, Mr. Yadi Gunawan representing the Regent of Pangandaran, Mr. H. Jeje Wiradinata who was…

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